Moving to New Mexico from Texas

Words From Hercules Movers & Packers Pros

Moving can be an incredibly stressful time. Moving always signifies a significant life change – whether that is new life, death, or a change in career path – but inevitably, it comes with a change in scenery. Starting over in a new place can be intimidating and overwhelming but, on the same token, exhilarating and exciting. We all must prepare for a cross-country move at one point or another, but it is nice to know what to expect.

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new mexico pros and cons16 Things To Know When Moving to New Mexico

New Mexico is a beautiful state, and there are so many things about it that contribute to its beauty. It is located in the southwestern area of the United States. It shares a border with Texas and has Colorado, Arizona, and Oklahoma as neighboring states. Moving from Texas to New Mexico, you don’t have to travel too far – that certainly depends on where in Texas you are traveling.

There are approximately 2 million people in the state of New Mexico. New Mexico’s population differs considerably from the whopping 29 million in Texas. The New Mexico population has continued to increase and grow more diverse than ever! More and more people are choosing to flock to NM from Texas and various other states nearby for a multitude of reasons. The scenery is to die for, the people are welcoming, and the state is a little more laid back than what you find in the south. If you are moving from Texas to New Mexico, there are quite a few things you may want to know…

new mexico historyNew Mexico Has A lot of History

New Mexico truly has a rich history with such diverse culture and community. There is a long history of civilization in New Mexico. New Mexicans have been around, and there is proof of human habitation for up to 10999 years ago. You can visit the Bandelier National Monument to see the cliff dwellings and petroglyphs dating back thousands of years.

New Mexicans are Diverse

New Mexico is a melting pot of different cultures. Sitting incredibly close to Mexico, there are many Mexican, Spanish, and Indigenous influences in food, art, and living. You can learn about new cultures and immerse yourself in different experiences. The Spanish and Mexican flags have flown in this state, and nearly 30% of New Mexicans are fluent in Spanish. It may be time to Aprender Espanol! New Mexico’s history dates back thousands of years, and all that history has provided a diverse culture that residents enjoy!

cost of living in albuquerque

cost of living new mexicoCost of Living

Home prices have been on the rise all across the United States. With costs of living, groceries, and gas all rising, it is essential to know precisely what kind of expenses you will obtain when renting or purchasing a home.

Is Texas Cheaper than New Mexico?

The median home value in New Mexico varies according to where you live and the total square feet of the home but tends to average 300,000. If you are looking to rent, a one-bedroom apartment costs about $1000.00 per month.

This is comparable to the Texas market, but the homes are a bit cheaper overall. Rent is also a bit more reasonable, with the average cost of a one-bedroom apartment in Texas at $1400.00, and the median home value is a bit higher at 315,000. The median home value is slightly higher in Texas but comparable overall to New Mexico. You will get more for your money in New Mexico, whether renting or buying!

iowa moving costsNew Mexico to Texas Moving Costs

The cost of moving to New Mexico is undoubtedly a factor in making the jump. Moving costs can vary depending on the volume you are moving and the distance traveled. Moving companies are seeing more and more people travel outside of Texas to surrounding areas like New Mexico.

If you are making that move, please feel free to reach out to Hercules – we can provide you with a quote and allow you to compare quotes with us. Hercules is here to provide you with the best price while providing quality moving services!

Cost of Living Compared to the National Average

New Mexico’s cost of living is lower than the national average. Housing is about 14% lower than the national average. Utilities and groceries are also about 8% lower than the national average, and even clothing is about 8% lower. Overall, New Mexico sits lower than the national average on all significant living costs. You can save some coins by moving to New Mexico!

compare new mexico to texas taxes

new mexico taxesTaxes

New Mexico is considered one of the more tax-friendly states! Property taxes are meager compared to the rest of the US, Texas. Their average property tax sits at .7%. Texas local tax areas control all property taxes, which varies according to county, although the majority is much higher than what you see in New Mexico. Sales tax is slightly different, with Texas averaging 6.2% and NM at about 7.5%.

Texas, however, does not have to deal with income tax, which New Mexicans have to live with. In TX, you never have to deal with personal income tax being taken out of your paycheck!

visite new mexicoBest Places to Live in New Mexico

New Mexico cities and suburbs all have their personalities, with one even being named after a radio show! Whether you move to Truth or Consequences just for the name or the feeling you get when you’re there, you will find a place you can call home in one of them!

Santa Fe

Santa Fe is one of the most popular cities, and not just in New Mexico! There is so much beautiful nature or wide open space to explore and enjoy! Santa Fe is also one of the larger cities in New Mexico, and the cost of living in sits with the rest of New Mexico’s average. The median household income varies but is comparable to the overall population. The median home value is much higher than the state’s average at about $550,000. Santa Fe runs on tourism and is a hot spot in New Mexico.

Santa Fe sits at a high elevation, about 7000 feet above sea level. This differs from anywhere in Texas and may take a little while to get used to, but it certainly gets chilly in the fall and winter months. Property crimes and the crime rate are low, and there are many fabulous places to eat, great schools, and unique culture. It is a gorgeous city to raise a family or live a single life!


Albuquerque isn’t just known for its balloon festival; it is known for its film production. Breaking Bad was filmed here alongside many other Hollywood productions! Albuquerque is another one of the larger cities in New Mexico and is located in the northern part of the state. It is filled with tourism which fuels the economy and develops many job opportunities.

Albuquerque is a city of art and an artist’s haven! There are so many various art galleries and co-ops to visit and explore. It is truly something that makes the city unique and beautiful. There is a very low unemployment rate in all carrier fields, and the job market is hot!

from texas to las cruces

Las Cruces

Las Cruces is south of Albuquerque and a neighbor to El Paso, Texas – it is only about an hour’s drive! It sits approximately 4000 miles above sea level, so coming over from Texas is a climb, and the altitude takes some adjustment.

Las Cruces has a small-town feel to it. There are many small businesses and family-owned establishments all over town. Locals support locals in Las Cruces! The great outdoors is undoubtedly the most remarkable feature, with Organ Mountains, Desert Peaks National Monument, and White Sands National Park nearby. There is plenty of hiking, biking, camping, and exploring available. The clean air, clear skies, and friendly atmosphere make it the perfect place to live.

Los Alamos

Los Alamos is a place you do not want to pass up! It is close to Santa Fe and not too far from Albuquerque. When moving to a new location, it is vital to consider where exactly is the right fit for you and Los Alamos has the best of all worlds.

Los Alamos has incredible outdoor recreation, great food, and excellent schools. You can adventure at Bandelier National Monument or Valles Caldera National Preserve. Las Alamos also continues with the artsy environment – downtown, there is the Los Alamos Creative District, and nearby is the Los Alamos Little Theatre, where tons of performances take place!

White Rock

White Rock is a smaller town in New Mexico and a bit more expensive than the average rates for the state. Home values are higher as well! The average home prices are around $470,000, and the average rent is $1200.00. The median household income in White Rock is $135,000. There is undoubtedly more home ownership than renters in the area, so if you are looking for a place to buy a home – there are plenty of properties to view.

There are plenty of good schools and places to visit outdoors in White Rock. The town is family-friendly, with plenty of playgrounds, open spaces, and nearby parks. The crime rate is very low in White Rock, but it is where a car is needed as the public transportation options are slim, and the walkability scores are low, but the quality of life is next to none!

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Nob Hill

Nob Hill is a very sought-after neighborhood in New Mexico. It is a beautiful and eclectic place with lots of interesting people. Young people flock to Nob Hill because of its booming nightlife, fine dining, and everything there is to do!

The list of restaurants and breweries in the Nob Hill Neighborhood is endless. The arts and music scene is highly adored, with live music offered at places like; Monte Vista Fire Station or Two Fools Tavern. The public transportation is pretty good in this neighborhood – you can efficiently utilize public transport and take the ART to get around the entire area and even down route 66! If you are a single person or a family person -it is a very trendy place if you are into good food and fun!

Rio Rancho

Rio Rancho is one of the hottest suburbs in New Mexico and has grown like wildfire, with tons of people moving to the area over the past few years. It maintains a tight-knit community feeling that is low in property crimes and next to no violent crime.

The cost of living is excellent; Rio Rancho is one of the more affordable neighborhoods in New Mexico. The unemployment rate is very low as their economy thrives, and the job market is hot! There is a little bit of everything in Rio and while living in New Mexico is a massive difference from Texas – Rio Rancho will make it feel like home and provide security and community.

job market new mexicoJob Market in New Mexico

New Mexico has a booming job market, and plenty of jobs are available throughout the state. The state’s job market has grown with the rate of tourism over the years, and all the lovely festivals and celebrations that occur year-round certainly support that. The living index has also increased, the more famous cities you will see a higher cost of living than other cities but overall – there are many jobs available!

Tourism in New Mexico

Tourism has created a ton of new job opportunities seasonally and year-round. Many fiestas are held every year, and the history of various cities in New Mexico has brought tourists from all over the world! Texas also has tourism, but its economy is based largely on other industries. Tourism is a part of New Mexican’s thriving economy and the jobs that have been produced due to those circumstances.

The service industry benefits from tourism and has become one of the largest growing industries in New Mexico. Restaurants and retail alike are always hiring. Not only does this boost the job market but also the local economy. New Mexico has developed a strong economy, especially in recent years, and with that strong economy, the job market has been relished.

jobs in new mexico

Other Job Opportunities Living in New Mexico

The job market in New Mexico has continued to grow in recent years alongside the population. Many of the jobs are located in the healthcare industry. Medical care is always needed in all walks of life, and many hospitals are also growing. Major hospitals in the area, such as; Presbyterian Healthcare Services, Mexico VA Health Care System, and Lovelace, are leading employers in NM.

Construction and general contracting positions have grown in the past years and offer positions. The finance field is also a growing field in the area that is in search of employees. The job market is on the upswing, and if you are searching for work, there is certainly work available!

high schools new mexicoEven the Schools Are Cool

There are plenty of different schools to choose from in New Mexico, and you can find a fit for any student. The New Mexico Department of Education has ensured education is for everyone. There are over 4500 schools available in New Mexico at all levels and all different types of education available. There are about 1500 private schools and charter options as well.

public school iconPublic Schools

Living in New Mexico gives you over 800 public schools and districts to choose from. If you are interested in reviewing the schools in advance, you can search availability by district – it also provides their star ratings, demographics, and unique education information.

high education new mexicoHigher Education

New Mexico State University is one of the largest universities in New Mexico, but it is one of many forms of higher education offered to locals. Higher education is valued by New Mexicans and Texans alike! There are many options for higher ed available:

  • The University of New Mexico
  • Eastern New Mexico University
  • New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
  • Western New Mexico University
  • Institute of American Indian Arts
  • Navajo Technical University

Those are just to name a few. There is an array of 2-year and community college options alongside trade schools.

no need for a sweater in this weather

weather in new mexicoThe Weather is Great in New Mexico

The weather in New Mexico is not always sunny. Depending on where you are located, you will experience all four seasons and have the ability to enjoy it year round! It is often assumed that New Mexico is just desert land, and surely, there are some areas with a whole lot of desert. It can be scorching due to the sunshine, but they also see chilly days.

Texas Vs. New MexicoTexas Vs. New Mexico

Texans are used to the hot heat and a ton of humidity! Texas has much less sun than New Mexico throughout the year. New Mexico also has meager humidity rates, even when the temperatures are high. In New Mexico, you get less humidity and more sunshine -what could be better?

On the contrary, New Mexico can be very dry, which Texans need to get used to. There is a lot of desert in New Mexico, and surely that is the dryest part of the state, but when there is a drought, it is impossible not to notice.

Tortillas in new mexicoNew Mexico Will Wrap Everything in Tortillas

New Mexico takes a lot of influence from its population. They are a diverse state with a predominant community of Hispanics, Native Americans, and African Americans. They are sitting pretty close to Mexico, just as Texas does, and Mexican cuisine is on every corner.

Just about anything and everything can be eaten or wrapped in a tortilla! Any type of cuisine can also be eaten with it; whether you have a traditional Native American dish, you can probably wrap it in a tortilla. You can find fresh tortillas at the local grocery store or supermercado, and there are quite a few locals that will sell their tortillas fresh every day!

eat chili in new mexicoRed or Green Chili

The biggest question you will be asked while out to dinner in New Mexico is – red or green? Red or green chili is served EVERWHERE, and it is a big deal. This is even offered at drive-thru restaurants. You also have the option of choosing both if you would like!

fresh and new mexico

Rio Grande River icon new mexicoIt Wasn’t Named After Mexico

Moving to New Mexico, many transplants assume it was named after Mexico. Contrary to popular belief, it was not! The great state is actually named after the Aztec Valley.

The first settlers to New Mexico were Native Americans. They remained there for tens of thousands of years before the Spanish and European explorers. The Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache tribes settled in the New Mexico land and lived peacefully when the Spanish discovered it. The federal government has reserved many of the areas Native Americans were initially settled in to preserve the history. They named it after the Aztec Valley of the Rio Grande River. It was a part of Mexico for quite some time but not named after it, after all!

opera house santa feNew Mexico Has Great Amenities

There are so many different things to do and places to explore when you are moving to New Mexico! From river rafting to skiing and snowboarding, you will find it all. Moving to New Mexico offers all kinds of new adventures you cannot find back in Texas.

  • You have the Santa Fe Opera house if you are interested in seeing a show in the great outdoors!
  • The Carlsbad Caverns are a natural wonder in the Southern part of New Mexico. There are over a hundred caverns to explore and several trails available.
  • Riverbend Hot Springs is a beautiful and relaxing hot spring in the city of Truth or Consequences. These hot springs are known to be healing, mineral hot springs that can be booked by the hour or night!
  • The Taos Ski Valley is one of the most popular tourist attractions in New Mexico. Skiing, snowboarding, tubing, and snowmobiling are available in the winter, and hiking in the summer!

Balloon Fiesta in albuquerqueThe Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Isn’t the Only Thing To Do

There are many fiestas and attractions year-round in New Mexico. People go across America and beyond to attend these events every year! The Albuquerque Balloon festival is one of the largest celebrations in New Mexico and certainly something you must attend with moving to New Mexico. It lasts for nine days, with over 500 balloons hit to the skies.

They Burn Away Their Worries

Every year New Mexicans practice the art of burning away their worries and troubles. Zozobra is a local tradition sacred to New Mexico and its natives. The people gather together once a year, the weekend before labor day in SF. You can write down any negative events or occurrences in your life and burn them alongside the giant Zozobra himself!

ufo sights in new mexico

ufo in new mexicoUFOs

There are whispers of UFOS and things beyond human when moving to New Mexico, but one of the more significant events is the UFO festival! It happens in Roswell, New Mexico, every year. Roswell is overwhelmed with tons of UFO enthusiasts and alien experts. They come together to celebrate the UFO crash that occurred in 1947 and to explore everything outer space related.

Gathering of Nations Pow Wow

The gathering of nations pow-wow is a one-of-a-kind event. This happens in Albuquerque and is completely open to the public. Performances, music, and traditions take place to raise money for scholarships for Native American students.

Adobe is Everything

You may see Adobe in Texas here and there, but when moving to New Mexico, you will see it everywhere. They are mud bricks used to build homes and have been most helpful in New Mexico, specifically in the desert environment.

Adobe is an exceptionally thick wall; it can store heat while keeping the home’s interior cool. There is tons of beautiful architecture preserved by the state in various historic districts.


Earthships are a more modern way of designing and developing a home, and there is an Earthship community in New Mexico. Earthships are built and designed to be self-sufficient. They are produced by reusing and recycling old materials, developing their energy using thermal or solar power, and creating food processing and filtering water. They are unique. If you are interested in your own – you can visit and invest in one of your own in New Mexico. There is quite the Earthship community forming!

new mexico landscapeThe Landscape Offers A Million Adventures

There are so many places to explore in New Mexico, and the landscape is magical. There are places so beautiful you wouldn’t believe they are real.

  • The Shiprock Rock formed a mountain in the middle of the desert. It is supposed to have magical properties and looks like an actual ship.
  • White Sands National Park is a fabulous place to visit. The white sands are miraculous, and the dunes can be traveled for miles.
  • Bandelier National Monument has been around since people settled in New Mexico. It is a historical site filled with ancient houses that were once inhabited.
  • El Malpais National Monument was developed naturally within nature. It is the home of the Ventana Natural Arch.
  • Gila Cliff Dwellings is a national monument. The cliff dwellings in that area were built inside caves, and the Mogollon people once lived there.

The People Are Laid Back

New Mexico has a relatively low crime rate, which can be linked to how laid back the people are. This is a massive change from what you experienced with Texas. The culture is all work and no play, whereas in New Mexico – they would certainly rather play any day. That is, in part, all the fiestas and fun nearby; how could you not? New Mexico is a place to enjoy your life and work to play, not live to work.

over million wine bottles yearlyWine is Taken Very Seriously

Everyone loves to have a glass of wine now and then, but New Mexicans take wine seriously. There is some context to that, though – New Mexico is in the business of producing wine.

New Mexico creates about 1,000,000 bottles of wine annually. There are wineries all over the state to visit that help alongside this wind production.

Star Gazing is a Hobby and Past Time

New Mexico does not take kindly to light pollution. The stars are a place of solace, and this is truly the place to stargaze! The night sky is like nothing you have ever seen or will see. There are tons of observatories in the area to visit, not to mention that it is a hot spot for UFOS. Keep your eyes peeled toward the sky; you may witness something you weren’t expecting.

It is Not All Desert

New Mexico is quite a bit of desert, but not all of the state is that way. The dry climate is typical throughout, and the sun shines nearly every year, but many different types of terrain are found in New Mexico.

But You Should Keep an Emergency Kit in Your Car

You should make it a point to be prepared when driving in New Mexico because there are long stretches of road you will sometimes go through where there is nowhere to stop or no one for many miles. It is crucial to be prepared for any situation and remain proactive for your security.

reliable long distance moving to new mexicoNow It’s Time to Find A Reliable Moving Company

If you are looking for the best moving company in Texas, look no further! New Mexico is one of the top five states Texans are currently moving to, so you will certainly be greeted by your kind of transplants and all the friendly New Mexicans.

New Mexico ranges as one of the top places for Texans to move, and it has become popular with the rest of the US. If you are looking for affordable and reliable New Mexico Movers – do not delay your efforts and contact Hercules Movers and Packers today!

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